photo gallery

Even in all the chaos that tends to come around when creating something new, storytelling makes me feel complete. I hope that my artwork is an opportunity for others to really feel something.
— Lynzie Glover
My goal with my art is to be a friend to others. I’ve been a loner all of my life so I know how impactful and essential feeling understood is.
— Alec Bailey
I want people to look at my art and reflect on themselves without shame, and I want them to take whatever it is that they need. I don’t want to project my thoughts onto their vision and understanding of a piece, but rather I want them to feel free within themselves in the same way I feel free.
— Ifeoma Bosha
See, it’s so much bigger than the art. It’s what the art can do beyond with relationships with people.
— Benu Endiryas
I want my work to show how beautiful and worthy people are...I want people to see how God sees them and how He sees others. In their most true and greatest form.
— Hanna Leka
My art to me represents love, I believe that love is the bridge between us and everything. Our one job in life, the only thing we are truly obligated to do is to Love— my art, my work, it shows that.
— Saturne Tchabong

BTS by Joseph Woldemaraim